Bell Work Fridays - and More!

Do you ever notice that by Friday afterrnoon both you and your students lack zest and motivation? The last thing you want to do on a Friday is work on a mundane paper/pencil tasks.

You need to kick it up a knotch. Inspire your student and get them hooked to learn right through to the bell.
Whether it's bell work or work for 'Early Finishers' , here are a few great ideas for 'pick me up Friday afternoons:
  • Try the bell work ideas here.
  • Conversation circle: students sit in a circle and you begin round robin question/answers  with the opportunity to pass (Favorite activity this week, least favorite activity, compliment about a student, where I'd rather be, what I'm most looking forward to this weekend etc.
  • Statues (play tunes, students wiggle/jiggle and when the tune stops, students strike a pose - repeat
  • Mystery Person - for example: my mystery person has a dog, got an A on their science test and was sent to the office this morning, the person guesses gets to do the next mystery person.
Add your own ideas in the comment section.

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