A Just Right Book

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How to Select a JUST RIGHT Book

Selecting a book that is appropriate for your learner is very important to hooking them to become readers.

This is a great printable to provide to parents who need to determine what types of books to buy their children. Finding a just right book is important at home as well as at school.

Selecting a just right book is essential to motivate a reader to improve and to ensure the reader isn't frustrated by reading a book that is too difficult. A just right book stretches the reader to learn new words and  enhances comprehension skills.

A good rule of thumb to follow for a just right book is to use the 5 finger rule. Select a book, open it and begin reading, put up a finger for each word that isn't understood, if 5 fingers are up during that first page or two, the book is too hard. For more information about leveled books and just right books, check out the full article.

See also: 
Currently, I'm enjoying the summer holidays. However, when you're an educator, it's hard to shut the mind off from thinking about teaching, teaching strategies and of course, student learning. Have a great week educators!

Effective Teaching

What Do Effective Teachers Do?

How do you know if you are an effective teacher? The truth of the matter is, most of us know when we 'bomb' a lesson. The classic tell tale signs are all there and the key sign, the students didn't get it and better yet, they didn't engage or like it.

Ask yourself each of the following questions to ensure that you are giving your students your best, after all, wouldn't you want to be a student in your class? All of us should want to be a student in our own class.  I sure hope you would, if not, you may wish to re-think your career.

1. What types of questions will I ask that will make my students think, reflect and engage?

Effective Teaching
2.  How will I give my students feedback? Feedback is what will push them into deeper and permanent learning - more so if they respond to the feedback.

3.  Do I maintain a healthy pace for each of my lessons? How do I know?

4.  Am I authentic? Are my students able to relate to the content?

5. Am I showing passion for what I am teaching? Do I keep it fun and worthwhile?

6.  Do I provide the opportunity for collaboration, problem solving and working together? After all, we rarely solve problems alone.

7.  Is there opportunity for movement? No student wants to sit at a desk all day.

8.  Is there a purpose for learning? Did I establish it with my students? Could my students answer the question "Why am I Learning this?"

If you can answer positively to each of these questions for the content you are about to teach, pat yourself on the back and share with others.

Additional Support:
If classroom management is getting you down, try some of the proven strategies here.