Thermometer Clipart

Are You Looking for Thermometer Clipart?

Look no farther, you can print from this page or you can print in PDF here.

The thermometer clipart is in Celsius and Fahrenheit and a combination of both.

As I began to update my weather worksheets, I soon discovered that there were very few good printable thermometers available to educators. AND, if you're teaching about weather, it's virtually impossible to teach about the weather without having thermometers, both real and printable. Hence, I decided to give my graphic arts program a go and see what I could come up with.

Here you go for your teaching pleasure, feel free to print and laminate and use with your students:

Clipart Temperature Thermometer, Generic for either C or F

Free Printable Fahrenheit Thermometer

Free Thermometer Clipart for F and C

What Makes a Great and Happy Student?

Happy Students are More Productive Learners 

So, what makes students happy learners?  If you said high IQ or a healthy dose of 'the smarts', you'll be surprised to know that you didn't say what most teachers will say.
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Happy, successful and productive students are students who:
  • are intrinsically motivated (they don't need incentives or positive reinforcement to do their best)
  • show responsibility 
  • are able to think independently and solve problems with minimal intervention
  • persevere, these students have 'stick with it'ness'
  • possess good social skills
  • they have 'grit' (they handle pressure rather well)
Is it any wonder why so many educational jurisdictions are including social skills, character development and social emotional learning into their mandatory instruction or curriculum areas?

All too often, a child who doesn't do well academically will be lacking in persistence, responsibility, organization, or social skills.  If these traits improve, so will achievement. It's not rocket science that the two go hand in hand.

If you're looking for a few printables to support social emotional growth or social skills, be sure to make good use of the following:
If you have further suggestions for embedding good social development and character traits into your teaching, we'd love to hear from you.

Have a great week educators.

Write all About It

Are Your Students Given Opportunity to Write in a Variety of Genres?

Are you assigning your students the same type of writing over and over again? Change it up and keep it authentic. Here's a list of unique things to write:

Advertisements,  observations,  announcements,  metaphors, awards, movie reviews,  bedtime stories newspaper articles and advertisements, billboards,  nursery rhymes,  bumper stickers,  menus,
cartoons,  opinions,  captions,  plays, conversations, puppet shows, definitions, postcards,
Print the Writing Genres List

diaries,  questions,  directions,  quizzes, epitaphs,  quotations,  encyclopedia entries, (Wikipedia) recipes, explanations,  fairy tales,  riddles,  jokes, filmstrip dialogue,  signs,  fortunes,  slogans,
game rules,  songs,  graffiti, grocery lists, thank you notes,  headlines,  labels, tongue twisters,  history letters,  journals, how-to manuals, want ads,  wishes, lists, interviews,  introductions invitations, weather reports.

Educators tend to be creative individuals so let's stir it up a bit with our requests for written work!

  • Design a billboard advertising your favorite cereal, chocolate bar or holiday destination (connect it with social studies with a billboard about the country to be studied)
  • Make a riddle book about mystery animals, students, places
  • Write a postcard to a student from another school telling them all about your school experience
  • Make labels for everything you're wearing
  • Make a grocery list for an upcoming party
  • Design a menu for your favorite kind of foods
  • Write a letter to a person who lived 200 years ago
  • Write a help wanted ad
See all of the writing worksheets here.

Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning Teaching Ideas and Activities

Many of us educators already know that we embed social emotional learning into the many things that we do on a daily basis. However, I'm going to share a few of some of those ideas here.

Initiative: To support initiative, a child must feel confidence and have a good sense of self-esteem. Therefore by boosting their confidence levels and enhancing self esteem, you'll be setting your students up to take initiative more often.

Collaboration and Cooperation:  These skills are important, especially in group work.  Do you provide opportunities to work together? Do you help your students develop a code of conduct for group work? Students need to have opportunities to respect the ideas and opinions of others even though they may not agree with them.  Ongoing opportunities for pairs, triads and small groups enhance collaboration and cooperation skills.
Print This Poster

Persistence or 'Stick With ITness':  Sometimes this is also referred to as 'grit'. For a student to develop persistence, they need to learn from mistakes and see success. They need to have opportunities to overcome distractions and move on despite obstacles. Help children see the learning in the errors. Celebrate the learning from mistakes, help them to see that sometimes, the most permanent learning stems from making errors. Soon your students will not fear failure and develop persistence.

Communication and Relationships: A language rich environment is usually evidenced in all good teacher's classrooms. Relationships are supported by providing opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. Social skill strategies also help with relationships.

Leadership: Children have to work within various group sizes to develop negotiating skills which leads to leadership. Leadership also happens when students are able to be empathetic regarding others. The willingness to make compromises is another avenue to help children develop leadership skills.

For a few worksheets on social emotional learning, view them here.

A Just Right Book

Print the Poster

How to Select a JUST RIGHT Book

Selecting a book that is appropriate for your learner is very important to hooking them to become readers.

This is a great printable to provide to parents who need to determine what types of books to buy their children. Finding a just right book is important at home as well as at school.

Selecting a just right book is essential to motivate a reader to improve and to ensure the reader isn't frustrated by reading a book that is too difficult. A just right book stretches the reader to learn new words and  enhances comprehension skills.

A good rule of thumb to follow for a just right book is to use the 5 finger rule. Select a book, open it and begin reading, put up a finger for each word that isn't understood, if 5 fingers are up during that first page or two, the book is too hard. For more information about leveled books and just right books, check out the full article.

See also: 
Currently, I'm enjoying the summer holidays. However, when you're an educator, it's hard to shut the mind off from thinking about teaching, teaching strategies and of course, student learning. Have a great week educators!

Effective Teaching

What Do Effective Teachers Do?

How do you know if you are an effective teacher? The truth of the matter is, most of us know when we 'bomb' a lesson. The classic tell tale signs are all there and the key sign, the students didn't get it and better yet, they didn't engage or like it.

Ask yourself each of the following questions to ensure that you are giving your students your best, after all, wouldn't you want to be a student in your class? All of us should want to be a student in our own class.  I sure hope you would, if not, you may wish to re-think your career.

1. What types of questions will I ask that will make my students think, reflect and engage?

Effective Teaching
2.  How will I give my students feedback? Feedback is what will push them into deeper and permanent learning - more so if they respond to the feedback.

3.  Do I maintain a healthy pace for each of my lessons? How do I know?

4.  Am I authentic? Are my students able to relate to the content?

5. Am I showing passion for what I am teaching? Do I keep it fun and worthwhile?

6.  Do I provide the opportunity for collaboration, problem solving and working together? After all, we rarely solve problems alone.

7.  Is there opportunity for movement? No student wants to sit at a desk all day.

8.  Is there a purpose for learning? Did I establish it with my students? Could my students answer the question "Why am I Learning this?"

If you can answer positively to each of these questions for the content you are about to teach, pat yourself on the back and share with others.

Additional Support:
If classroom management is getting you down, try some of the proven strategies here.

Teaching Ideas for Media Literacy

Ideas for Teaching Media Literacy

1. Have learners collect ads from a variety of media: web, billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio ads, TV ads. Use these worksheets with them to determine the target audience, the gimicks used in the ads, what information is missing that the viewer should have to make informed decisions.

2. Develop your own ad for a service or a product of your choosing. Be sure to use the ad planner.

3. Give advice to individuals reading ads, include at least 5 tips.

4.  Why is it important to think critically about each ad you read , see or hear?

5. Why should you investigate before you buy or get a service?

6.  What do you think is meant by 'Buyer Beware'?

7.  Find 5 ads that target young people/children. How do you know these ads are targeting young people?

8. Find 5 junk food ads and indicate how or why you think that these are junk foods. Why would these ads be worrisome for young children?

9.  Should ads on unhealthy products such as  junk food, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. be banned? Why or why not?

10.List all the persuasive methods that advertisers use to convince you to purchase a product or service.

11.  Find examples of heroes or TV/Movie personalities used in advertisements. Is this effective? Why or why not?

12.  Find ads that create a sense of urgency as to why you need this product or service. Is it effective? Why or why not? What other information is needed for you to make an informed decision about this product or service?

 For great teaching ideas, check out these freebies here for your students.